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35+ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris SMP Materi Pronoun Lengkap beserta Kunci Jawaban

Pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang biasa dipakai untuk menggantikan fungsi noun pada sebuah kalimat supaya tidak perlu lagi apa pengulangan kata yang sama didalam saatu kalimat atau paragraf.

Contoh soal latihan Bahasa Inggris SMP materi Pronoun beserta kunci jawaban terbaru untuk guru dan juga peserta didik dalam mempersiapkan diri mengikuti ujian semester.

35 Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris SMP Materi pronoun beserta kunci jawaban yang telah jamboguru rangkum dari berbagai sumber dengan harapan semoga dapat membantu para siswa untuk belajar.

Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris SMP Materi Pronoun 

35 Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris SMP Materi pronoun beserta kunci jawaban

1. I meet Raisa last night and _____ signed _____ t-shirt.

a. (she, my)

b. (he, my)

c. (her, my)

d. (his, mine)


2. . . . loves Sate. It's her favorite food.

A. She

B. He

C. I

D. You


3. Dian likes to stay . . . bedroom all day

A. she

B. your

C. he

D. her

Jawaban: D

4. The mechanic is my sister. So don’t disturb _____.

a. Him

b. Hers

c. Her

d. He

Jawaban: C

5. .... is whiteboard

A. This

B. That

C. There

D. It

Jawaban: A

6. .... is a bag

A. Those

B. This

C. That

D. There

Jawaban: C

7. I can’t find _____. Does _____ steal it?

a. (my, she)

b. (she, you)

c. (it, they)

d. (mine, he)

Jawaban: D

8. Does _____ let _____ go?

a. (her, me)

b. (she, I)

c. (he, me)

d. (they, she)

Jawaban: C

9. Please tell _____ that _____ will be late.

a. (her, I)

b. (them, him)

c. (we, I)

d. (him, her)

Jawaban: A

10. ____ love Monday. Does _____ love it too?

a. (I, you)

b. (She, he)

c. (They, you)

d. (I, she)

Jawaban: D

11. Danny is my best friend. I know _____ so well.

a. Him

b. Her

c. Us

d. You

Jawaban: A

12. My father has a dog. _____ likes play with _____.

a. (him, it)

b. (he, it)

c. (he, him)

d. (he, her)


13. When my boss promoted me, _____ was so proud and _____ gave me so many advices.

a. (he, him)

b. (he, she)

c. (he, he)

d. (them, he)

Jawaban: C

14. My brother works in a big factory. _____ says that _____ is a nice place.

a. (she, it)

b. (he, it)

c. (it, it)

d. (he, there)


15. . . . goes to the market with his mother.

A. She

B. I

C. He

D. We

Jawaban: C

16. He has a new phone....phone is expenxive

Kata yang tepat untuk kalimat diatas adalah.....

A. His

B. Its

C. He

D. They

Jawaban: A

17. Berikut adalah macam-macam kata ganti diantaranya adalah,....

A. Kata ganti orang

B. Kata ganti milik

C. Kata ganti petunjuk

D. Kata ganti binatang

Jawaban: A

18. ......go to supermarket this morning.

Kata ganti yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas adalah....

A. I am

B. I

C. Them

D. Her

Jawaban: B

19. Santy and Synta are twins. . . . are beautiful

A. Their

B. She

C. we

D. They


20. We live in Indonesia. . . . country has two seasons

A. We

B. My

C. Our

D. Mine


21. That's . . . ball. That's not mine.

A. your

B. you

C. my

D. our


22. Tony goes to school. ...... rides his bike.

A. She

B. They

C. He

D. Him


23. Berikut personal pronoun yang menjadi objek dalam kalimat

A. They

B. She

C. I

D. You


24. "She is my mine". Dalam kalimat tersebut, manakah yg merupakan kata pengganti?

A. She,is

B. She,my

C. She,mine

D. My,mine


25. Kata ganti yang di gunakan untuk menunjuk benda dalam keadaan jamak adalah

A. These

B. That

C. This

D. It


26. Berikut contoh kalimat yang benar

A. Us are best friend

B. You told me about this case

C. I teach she english

D. Them go to supermarket


27. Iam talking for the woman....you're waiting about.

Kata yang tepat untuk kalimat diatas adalah.....

A. Whom

B. That

C. Who

D. Which


28. Where is my car? Andi is cleaning ...

A. her

B. it

C. them

D. us


29. The cat is playing with .... Tail

A. his

B. our

C. its

D. their

Jawaban: C

30. a bird is singing, ... Sings every morning

A. his

B. our

C. it

D. its

Jawaban: C