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26 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP lengkap dengan Pembahasannya

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP lengkap dengan Pembahasannya cocok digunakan untuk melatih kemampuan bahasa inggris peserta didik dalam rangka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian semester.

1.Which sentence is in the past tense?

A. I will go to the store tomorrow.

B. I am going to the store right now.

C. I went to the store yesterday.

D. I have gone to the store many times.

The correct answer is C. 

"Went" is the past tense form of the verb "to go."

2.Which sentence contains a proper noun?

A. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

B. I love to eat ice cream in the summer.

C. My favorite book is "The Catcher in the Rye."

D. She is riding her bike to school today.

The correct answer is C. 

"The Catcher in the Rye" is a specific title of a book, which makes it a proper noun. The other options don't include any proper nouns.

3.What is the subject of the sentence "The dog chased the cat"?

A. Dog

B. Chased

C. Cat

D. The

The correct answer is A. 

"Dog" is the subject of the sentence because it is the noun that is doing the action of the verb "chased". The other options are not the subjects of the sentence. "Chased" is the verb, "cat" is the object, and "the" is an article.

4.Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

A. The teacher gave the students an assignment.

B. The students completed the assignment quickly.

C. The assignment was given by the teacher.

D. The students will receive their grades tomorrow.

The correct answer is C. 

"The assignment was given by the teacher" is written in the passive voice because the subject of the sentence ("the assignment") is receiving the action of the verb ("was given"), rather than performing the action. The other options are written in the active voice, where the subject is performing the action of the verb.

5.Which sentence contains a comparative adjective?

A. My dog is big.

B. The cake was delicious.

C. His car is faster than mine.

D. She is a good student.

The correct answer is C. 

"His car is faster than mine" contains the comparative adjective "faster," which is used to compare two things. The other options do not contain comparative adjectives. "Big" is a simple adjective, "delicious" describes a quality without comparison, and "good" is a positive adjective.

6.Which sentence is written in the present perfect tense?

A. I will study for my exam tomorrow.

B. She studied hard for her exam last night.

C. We have lived in this house for ten years.

D. They will travel to Europe next summer.

The correct answer is C. 

"We have lived in this house for ten years" is written in the present perfect tense, which indicates that an action started in the past and is still continuing in the present. The other options are written in different tenses. "Will study" is future tense, "studied" is past tense, and "will travel" is future tense.

7. Which sentence uses a preposition?

A. The cat is sleeping.

B. I am reading a book.

C. She is walking to the park.

D. The bird flew over the tree.

The correct answer is D. 

"The bird flew over the tree" uses the preposition "over" to describe the bird's position in relation to the tree. The other options do not use prepositions. "Is sleeping" and "am reading" use linking verbs, and "is walking" uses an action verb.

8.Which sentence is written in the future continuous tense?

A. I have been waiting for an hour.

B. We will have dinner at 6 PM.

C. She will be singing at the concert.

D. He was cooking dinner when I arrived.

The correct answer is C. 

"She will be singing at the concert" is written in the future continuous tense, which indicates an ongoing action that will happen at a specific time in the future. The other options are written in different tenses. "Have been waiting" is present perfect continuous, "will have dinner" is future perfect, and "was cooking" is past continuous.

9.Which sentence contains a direct object?

A. She is reading a book.

B. He walked to the store.

C. They watched the movie last night.

D. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

The correct answer is C. 

"They watched the movie last night" contains a direct object, which is "the movie." A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. The other options do not have direct objects. "Reading" and "walking" are verbs that don't have direct objects, and "sleeping" is an intransitive verb, which does not take a direct object.

10.Which sentence contains a gerund?

A. He enjoys playing basketball.

B. She is sleeping right now.

C. They will walk to the park tomorrow.

D. We have been studying all day.

The correct answer is A. 

"He enjoys playing basketball" contains a gerund, which is "playing." A gerund is a verb that is used as a noun and ends in "-ing." The other options do not have gerunds. "Sleeping" and "walking" are verbs, but they are not being used as nouns. "Studying" is a present participle, which is also formed with "-ing," but it is being used as a verb in this sentence.

11. Which sentence uses a conjunction?

A. The sun is shining.

B. He is tall and handsome.

C. She walked to the store or took the bus.

D. They arrived early for the party.

The correct answer is C. 

"She walked to the store or took the bus" uses the conjunction "or" to connect two options. A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. The other options do not use conjunctions. "Is shining" and "arrived" use verbs, and "tall" and "handsome" are adjectives that are joined by "and," but "and" is not used as a conjunction in this case.

12.Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

A. The dog chased the cat.

B. She sings beautifully.

C. The cake was baked by my mom.

D. He will finish the project tomorrow.

The correct answer is C. 

"The cake was baked by my mom" is written in the passive voice, which emphasizes the action being done to the cake instead of the person doing the action. In passive voice, the subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action, not the doer. The other options are written in active voice, where the subject performs the action. "Chased" and "sings" are both active verbs, and "will finish" is future tense.

13.Which sentence uses a superlative adjective?

A. She is a good singer.

B. He is taller than his brother.

C. This book is more interesting than the last one.

D. It is the best pizza I have ever tasted.

The correct answer is D. 

"It is the best pizza I have ever tasted" uses the superlative adjective "best" to describe the pizza. A superlative adjective is used to compare one thing to all others in a group and shows the highest degree of a quality. The other options use comparative or positive adjectives. "Good" is a positive adjective, "taller" is a comparative adjective, and "more interesting" is also a comparative adjective.

14.Which sentence uses a reflexive pronoun?

A. He gave me the book.

B. She saw herself in the mirror.

C. They went to the store.

D. I will help you with your homework.

The correct answer is B. 

"She saw herself in the mirror" uses the reflexive pronoun "herself," which refers back to the subject of the sentence. A reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. The other options do not use reflexive pronouns. "Me," "you," and "they" are all personal pronouns, and "I" is a subject pronoun.

15.Which sentence is written in the present perfect tense?

A. She is going to the store.

B. He will be studying tonight.

C. They have been playing soccer for an hour.

D. The movie ended an hour ago.

The correct answer is C. 

"They have been playing soccer for an hour" is written in the present perfect tense, which is used to describe an action that started in the past and is still ongoing or has just been completed. The present perfect is formed with "have" or "has" plus the past participle of the verb. The other options are not in the present perfect tense. "Is going" is present continuous, "will be studying" is future continuous, and "ended" is simple past.

16. Which sentence contains a preposition?

A. The cat is sleeping.

B. She ran quickly.

C. He drove to the store.

D. They are happy.

The correct answer is C. 

"He drove to the store" contains the preposition "to," which indicates the destination of the action. A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in the sentence. The other options do not contain prepositions. "Is sleeping," "ran quickly," and "are happy" all contain verbs, but they do not have prepositions.

17. Which sentence contains an adverb?

A. She has a blue car.

B. He walked to the park.

C. They sang a song together.

D. She speaks Spanish fluently.

The correct answer is D. 

"She speaks Spanish fluently" contains the adverb "fluently," which modifies the verb "speaks" by describing how she speaks Spanish. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. The other options do not contain adverbs. "Has" and "walked" are verbs, and "blue" and "together" are adjectives.

18. Which sentence contains a coordinating conjunction?

A. The sun is shining, but it's still cold outside.

B. She ate a sandwich and a piece of fruit for lunch.

C. He went to the store after work.

D. They studied hard for the exam, yet they still didn't pass.

The correct answer is A. 

"The sun is shining, but it's still cold outside" contains the coordinating conjunction "but," which joins two independent clauses. A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance. The other options do not contain coordinating conjunctions. "And" in B is a correlative conjunction joining two items of equal importance, "after" in C is a preposition indicating the time relationship between the two actions, and "yet" in D is a conjunctive adverb used to show contrast.

19.Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

A. The book was long, and the movie was boring.

B. She will eat dinner after she finishes her homework.

C. He likes both soccer and basketball.

D. They went to the beach, but it was too cold to swim.

The correct answer is B. 

"She will eat dinner after she finishes her homework" contains the subordinating conjunction "after," which introduces the subordinate clause "she finishes her homework." A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause. The other options do not contain subordinating conjunctions. "And" in A and "but" in D are coordinating conjunctions, and "both...and" in C is a correlative conjunction.

20.Which sentence is written in the passive voice?

A. The cat chased the mouse.

B. She will sing a song tonight.

C. The cake was baked by my grandmother.

D. He is running in the park.

The correct answer is C. 

"The cake was baked by my grandmother" is written in the passive voice, where the subject "cake" receives the action "baked" and the agent "my grandmother" is introduced with the preposition "by." In passive voice sentences, the agent may not be explicitly stated. The other options are written in the active voice. "Chased" in A, "will sing" in B, and "is running" in D are all active verbs.

21.Which sentence contains a direct object?

A. She read the book.

B. They went to the park.

C. He ran quickly.

D. We are happy.

The correct answer is A. 

"She read the book" contains the direct object "book," which is the noun that receives the action of the verb "read." A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb directly. The other options do not contain direct objects. "Went" in B and "ran" in C are verbs that do not have direct objects, and "happy" in D is an adjective, not a verb.

22.Which sentence contains a predicate nominative?

A. She is a doctor.

B. He looked at the painting.

C. They played soccer in the park.

D. The dog chased the cat.

The correct answer is A. 

"She is a doctor" contains the predicate nominative "doctor," which renames the subject "she." A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject of the sentence. The other options do not contain predicate nominatives. "Looked" in B, "played" in C, and "chased" in D are all action verbs, not linking verbs.

23. Which sentence contains an appositive?

A. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, is very strict.

B. They rode their bikes to the store.

C. The rain fell softly on the roof.

D. She swam in the lake, which was very cold.

The correct answer is A. 

"The teacher, Mrs. Smith, is very strict" contains the appositive "Mrs. Smith," which renames or explains the noun "teacher." An appositive is a noun or pronoun that renames or explains another noun or pronoun. The other options do not contain appositives. "Rode" in B, "fell" in C, and "swam" in D are all action verbs, and the phrases that follow them do not function as appositives.

24. Which sentence contains a gerund?

A. She enjoys playing the piano.

B. He will go to the store soon.

C. They watched the movie quietly.

D. The cat is sleeping on the couch.

The correct answer is A. 

"She enjoys playing the piano" contains the gerund "playing," which is a verb that functions as a noun in the sentence. A gerund is a verb that ends in "-ing" and functions as a noun. The other options do not contain gerunds. "Go" in B and "watched" in C are both verbs, and "sleeping" in D is a present participle used as an adjective.

25. Which sentence contains a participle phrase?

A. The sun, shining brightly in the sky, warmed my face.

B. He played basketball after school.

C. They listened to music while driving.

D. The book on the shelf is very old.

The correct answer is A. 

"The sun, shining brightly in the sky, warmed my face" contains the participle phrase "shining brightly in the sky." A participle phrase is a group of words that contains a participle and its modifiers. The other options do not contain participle phrases. "Played" in B, "listened" in C, and "is" in D are all verbs that do not function as participles in their respective sentences.

26. Which sentence contains a compound subject?

A. The dog and the cat played in the yard.

B. She baked a cake for her friend's birthday.

C. They went to the beach and swam in the ocean.

D. He studied hard for the test.

The correct answer is A. 

"The dog and the cat played in the yard" contains the compound subject "the dog and the cat," which is made up of two or more nouns or pronouns that share the same verb. A compound subject is a subject that consists of two or more nouns or pronouns that share the same verb. The other options do not contain compound subjects. "Baked" in B, "went" and "swam" in C, and "studied" in D all have a single subject.