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70+ Inspirasi Judul Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Karya ilmiah adalah karya tulis yang menghasilkan pemikiran baru dan orisinil dalam bidang akademis atau ilmiah. Karya ilmiah memiliki ciri-ciri tertentu, seperti menggunakan metode ilmiah dalam pengumpulan dan analisis data, merujuk pada sumber yang relevan dan akurat, serta mengikuti standar penulisan ilmiah yang baku.

Karya ilmiah dapat berupa skripsi, tesis, disertasi, jurnal ilmiah, artikel ilmiah, buku ilmiah, dan sebagainya. Karya ilmiah juga bisa dibagi menjadi beberapa bidang, seperti ilmu sosial, ilmu alam, ilmu teknologi, dan sebagainya.

Dalam menulis karya ilmiah, terdapat beberapa tahapan yang harus dilakukan, seperti merumuskan masalah penelitian, menyusun kerangka teori, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data, dan menyusun kesimpulan.

Karya ilmiah memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Karya ilmiah yang baik dapat memberikan sumbangan dan solusi untuk berbagai masalah di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, para peneliti dan akademisi diharapkan untuk terus menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang berkualitas dan berguna bagi masyarakat.

Namun, dalam melakukan penelitian dan menulis karya ilmiah, juga diperlukan etika dan integritas yang tinggi, seperti tidak melakukan plagiarisme, menjaga kerahasiaan data, dan menghormati hak cipta orang lain.

50 contoh judul skripsi bahasa inggris

1.The effectiveness of using games in teaching English vocabulary to young learners

2.Investigating the relationship between personality traits and English proficiency among Indonesian EFL learners

3.A study on the effectiveness of using songs to improve listening comprehension in English classes

4.The use of authentic materials in teaching English as a foreign language to intermediate students

5.An analysis of English language teaching materials for senior high school students in Indonesia

6.Exploring the use of technology in enhancing English language learning for young learners

7.An investigation of the impact of language learning strategies on EFL students’ reading comprehension

8.The effectiveness of communicative language teaching in improving English speaking skills of EFL learners

9.A comparative study of the effectiveness of teacher-centered and student-centered approaches in teaching English writing skills

10.The use of literature in teaching English language skills to advanced learners

11.Investigating the relationship between motivation and English language learning achievement among Indonesian university students

12.The effectiveness of project-based learning in teaching English language skills to young learners

13.Developing a blended learning model for English language teaching in Indonesian schools

14.The impact of teacher feedback on students’ English language writing performance

15.Investigating the effectiveness of task-based language teaching in teaching English grammar to EFL learners

16.An analysis of English language errors in the writing of Indonesian EFL learners

17.The use of drama techniques in improving English speaking proficiency of senior high school students

18.A study on the effectiveness of using picture books in teaching English reading comprehension to young learners

19.The impact of teacher talk on EFL students’ motivation in learning English

20.Investigating the effectiveness of vocabulary learning strategies in improving English vocabulary acquisition of EFL learners

21.Developing an English language proficiency assessment tool for Indonesian EFL learners

22.The effectiveness of using authentic video materials in teaching English listening comprehension to EFL learners

23.A study on the relationship between English language anxiety and English language learning achievement among Indonesian EFL learners

24.The use of podcasts in teaching English pronunciation to EFL learners

25.The effectiveness of cooperative learning in teaching English writing skills to senior high school students

26.An analysis of English language needs of Indonesian business professionals

27.Investigating the impact of English language proficiency on academic achievement of Indonesian university students

28.The use of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) in teaching English as a foreign language to young learners

29.The effectiveness of using mobile devices in teaching English language skills to senior high school students

30.Developing a syllabus for teaching English for specific purposes (ESP) to Indonesian EFL learners

31.The impact of teacher strategies on EFL learners’ motivation to speak English

32.A study on the effectiveness of using graphic organizers in teaching English writing skills to EFL learners

33.Investigating the impact of cultural background on EFL learners’ English language learning achievement

34.The use of drama-based activities in improving English language speaking proficiency of young learners

35.A study on the effectiveness of using dictogloss technique in teaching English listening comprehension to EFL learners

36.The effectiveness of using portfolios in assessing English language proficiency of Indonesian EFL learners

37.Developing a multimedia English language learning package for young learners

38.Investigating the impact of language learning styles on EFL learners’ English language learning achievement

39.The effectiveness of using literature circles in teaching English reading comprehension to EFL learners

40.A study on the effectiveness of using storytelling in teaching English vocabulary to young learners

41.The use of online discussion forums in improving English language writing skills of EFL learners

42.Investigating the impact of English language proficiency on employability of Indonesian graduates

43.An Analysis of Code-Switching Used by Bilingual Preschool Teachers in Teaching English Vocabulary

44.The Influence of Teaching Strategies on Students’ Speaking Performance in English: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

45.The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Students’ Writing Skill in English: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

46.The Use of Audiovisual Media in Teaching English to Improve Students’ Listening Skill: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

47.The Effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching in Teaching English Speaking Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a University in Indonesia

48.The Influence of Language Learning Anxiety on Students’ English Achievement: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

49.The Use of Task-Based Language Teaching to Improve Students’ English Writing Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

50.The Correlation between Students’ Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension Skills in English: A Case Study at a University in Indonesia

51.The Effect of Peer Feedback on Students’ Writing Skill in English: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

52.The Use of Technology in Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An Evaluation of English Learning Applications for EFL Learners

53.The Effectiveness of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in Teaching English Vocabulary: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

54.The Effect of Teacher-Student Interaction on Students’ English Speaking Skill: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

55.The Influence of Vocabulary Learning Strategies on Students’ English Vocabulary Achievement: A Case Study at a University in Indonesia

56.The Use of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching English Writing: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

57.The Effectiveness of Using English Songs to Teach English Vocabulary to Young Learners: A Case Study at an English Course in Indonesia

58.The Correlation between Students’ Learning Styles and English Reading Comprehension Achievement: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

59.The Influence of Collaborative Learning on Students’ English Speaking Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a University in Indonesia

60.The Effect of Using Picture Series in Teaching English Writing Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

61.The Use of Flipped Classroom Approach in Teaching English Listening Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

62.The Influence of Cooperative Learning on Students’ English Vocabulary Achievement: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

63.The Correlation between Students’ Self-Efficacy and English Speaking Skill: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

64.The Effect of Feedback on Students’ English Writing Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a University in Indonesia

65.The Use of Visual Aids in Teaching English Speaking Skill: A Case Study at a Senior High School in Indonesia

66.The Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching English Writing Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

67.The Correlation between Students’ Motivation and English Reading Comprehension Skill: A Case Study at a University in Indonesia

68.The Use of Interactive Games in Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners: A Case Study at an English Course in Indonesia

69.The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ English Writing Skill: A Quasi-Experimental Study at a Junior High School in Indonesia

70.The Influence of Learning Strategies on Students’ English Listening Comprehension Skill: A Case Study at a University in Indonesia