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49 Judul Skripsi Kuantitatif Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Penelitian kuantitatif adalah metode penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data yang dapat diukur secara numerik dan menganalisisnya dengan menggunakan metode statistik. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengumpulan dan analisis data dalam bentuk angka atau data numerik, yang kemudian diolah dan diinterpretasikan menggunakan pendekatan statistik.

Penelitian kuantitatif melibatkan pengumpulan data melalui teknik-teknik seperti survei, eksperimen, atau observasi terstruktur. Data yang diperoleh dapat berupa angka, skor, persentase, atau data lain yang dapat dihitung dan dianalisis secara statistik.

Tujuan utama dari penelitian kuantitatif adalah untuk menguji hipotesis, menjelaskan hubungan antara variabel, mengukur sejauh mana suatu fenomena atau variabel berpengaruh, serta membuat generalisasi dari hasil penelitian ke populasi yang lebih luas.

Analisis data dalam penelitian kuantitatif biasanya melibatkan penggunaan statistik deskriptif (seperti mean, median, dan modus) dan statistik inferensial (seperti uji hipotesis, analisis regresi, analisis varian, dan korelasi). Hasil analisis statistik digunakan untuk membuat kesimpulan dan mendukung atau menolak hipotesis penelitian.

Judul Skripsi Kuantitatif Jurusan Bahasa Inggris 

Berikut adalah 49 contoh judul skripsi kuantitatif untuk jurusan Bahasa Inggris:

1. The Effect of Vocabulary Instruction on Reading Comprehension Skills of Indonesian EFL Learners

2. The Impact of Peer Feedback on Writing Proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Students

3. The Relationship between Motivation and English Language Learning Achievement among High School Students

4. The Influence of Authentic Materials on Listening Comprehension Skills of EFL Learners

5. The Effect of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on Speaking Fluency of English Language Students

6. The Relationship between Learning Styles and English Language Learning Strategies among University Students

7. The Impact of Using Multimedia in English Language Teaching on Students' Engagement and Learning Outcomes

8. The Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) on Grammar Acquisition of EFL Learners

9. The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Intercultural Communicative Competence among EFL Students

10. The Influence of Teacher Feedback on Writing Performance of English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners

11. The Effect of Vocabulary Size on Reading Comprehension Skills of Intermediate EFL Learners

12. The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and English Language Learning Achievement among Secondary School Students

13. The Impact of Peer Collaboration on Oral Presentation Skills of EFL Learners

14. The Effectiveness of Error Correction Techniques in Improving Writing Accuracy of EFL Students

15. The Relationship between Language Anxiety and English Language Proficiency among University Students

16. The Influence of Gender on English Language Learning Strategies of EFL Learners

17. The Effect of Explicit Grammar Instruction on Writing Skills of ESL Students

18. The Impact of Using Mobile Applications for English Vocabulary Learning among EFL Learners

19. The Relationship between Reading Habits and Reading Comprehension Skills of EFL Students

20. The Effect of Cultural Content in English Language Teaching on Intercultural Sensitivity of EFL Learners

21. The Influence of Teacher-Student Interaction on Speaking Performance of EFL Students

22. The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Enhancing English Language Proficiency of EFL Learners

23. The Relationship between Learner Autonomy and English Language Learning Achievement among University Students

24. The Impact of Online Language Learning Platforms on English Writing Skills of EFL Learners

25. The Effect of Peer Tutoring on Pronunciation Accuracy of ESL Students

26. The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and English Language Learning Motivation among High School Students

27. The Influence of Gamification in English Language Learning on Motivation and Engagement of EFL Students

28. The Effectiveness of Corpus-Based Instruction in Enhancing English Vocabulary Knowledge of EFL Learners

29. The Relationship between Personality Traits and English Language Learning Styles among University Students

30. The Impact of Subtitles on Listening Comprehension Skills of EFL Learners

31. The Effect of Content-Based Instruction on Reading Skills of ESL Students

32. The Relationship between Critical Thinking Skills and English Language Proficiency among EFL Learners

33. The Influence of Authentic Writing Tasks on Writing Performance of English Language Students

34. The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Developing Speaking Fluency of EFL Learners

35. The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and English Language Proficiency among Intermediate EFL Students

36. The Impact of Pronunciation Instruction on Speaking Accuracy of ESL Learners

37. The Effect of Extensive Reading on Vocabulary Development of EFL Students

38. The Relationship between Teacher Cognition and Classroom Practices in English Language Teaching

39. The Influence of Culture-Specific Materials on Intercultural Communicative Competence of EFL Learners

40. The Effect of Feedback Types on Writing Revision Skills of EFL Students

41. The Relationship between Metacognitive Strategies and English Language Learning Achievement among University Students

42. The Impact of Peer Assessment on Speaking Proficiency of ESL Learners

43. The Effectiveness of Video-Based Listening Activities in Developing Listening Comprehension Skills of EFL Students

44. The Relationship between Language Attitudes and English Language Proficiency among Secondary School Students

45. The Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Intercultural Communication Competence of EFL Learners

46. The Effect of Task Complexity on Writing Performance of ESL Students

47. The Relationship between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Retention among EFL Learners

48. The Impact of Authentic Speaking Tasks on Oral Fluency of English Language Students

49. The Effectiveness of Online Collaborative Writing Platforms in Enhancing Writing Skills of EFL Learners

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