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35 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 8 SMP Beserta Jawabannya

Berikut ini adalah 35 contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 8 SMP beserta jawabannya yang dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bagi pembaca khususnya para peserta didik untuk penguatan materi bahasa inggris.

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

I ________ to the movies last night.

a) go

b) went 

c) goes

d) going

Jawaban: B

2.Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?

a) I went to the store yesterday.

b) I will go to the store tomorrow.

c) I am going to the store right now. 

d) I have gone to the store before.

Jawaban: C

3. What is the opposite of "hot"?

a) cold 

b) warm

c) cool

d) freezing

Jawaban: A

4. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

I am going to the party ________ my friend.

a) with 

b) at

c) in

d) on

Jawaban: A

5. Which sentence is written correctly?

a) The cat its sleeping on the couch.

b) The cat it's sleeping on the couch.

c) The cat is sleeping on the couch. 

d) The cat its sleeping on the coach.

Jawaban: C

6. Choose the correct form of the adjective:

She is the __________ girl in the class.

a) tall

b) taller

c) tallest 

d) more tall

Jawaban: C

7.Which word is the adverb in the sentence?

He sings beautifully.

a) sings

b) beautifully 

c) he

d) none of the above

Jawaban: B

8. What is the plural form of "child"?

a) childs

b) children 

c) childes

d) childern

Jawaban: B

9. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

My sister and I ________ to the park every weekend.

a) goes

b) go 

c) going

d) went

Jawaban: B

10.Choose the correct article to complete the sentence:

I saw _____ bird in the tree.

a) a 

b) an

c) the

d) none of the above

Jawaban: A

11. Which sentence is written correctly?

a) They're playing there instruments in the band.

b) Their playing their instruments in the band.

c) They're playing their instruments in the band. 

d) There playing their instruments in the band.

Jawaban: C

12. Choose the correct form of the verb:

She _____ the book yesterday.

a) readed

b) red

c) read 

d) rade

Jawaban: C

13. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

_______ is a good friend of mine.

a) Me

b) I

c) He 

d) She

Jawaban: C

14. Which sentence is written correctly?

a) I haven't never been to France.

b) I have never been to France. (Jawaban)

c) I never been to France.

d) I been to France never.

Jawaban: B

15. Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence:

I am tired _______ I have a lot of work to do.

a) or

b) and

c) but 

d) so

Jawaban: C

16. Choose the correct form of the verb:

They _______ soccer every Saturday.

a) play 

b) played

c) playing

d) plays

Jawaban: A

17.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

My mom is a great _______.

a) cook 

b) cooker

c) cooking

d) cooked

Jawaban: A

18.She always __________ her homework before going to bed.

a. does

b. did

c. do

d. doing

Jawaban: a. does

19.We _________ our friends at the shopping mall last night.

a. see

b. saw

c. seen

d. seeing

Jawaban: b. saw

20. The teacher ___________ us an interesting story in class yesterday.

a. tells

b. told

c. telling

d. tell

Jawaban: b. told

21. I'm not feeling well. I think I ___________ a fever.

a. has

b. have

c. had

d. having

Jawaban: b. have

22. The weather is really hot today. I wish I ___________ a cold drink.

a. have

b. had

c. will have

d. having

Jawaban: b. had

23.If I had enough money, I ___________ a new laptop.

a. will buy

b. would buy

c. bought

d. buy

Jawaban: b. would buy

24.The baby is sleeping. Please ___________ the door quietly.

a. open

b. opened

c. opening

d. openes

Jawaban: a. open

25.My sister is very talented. She ___________ the piano beautifully.

a. plays

b. played

c. playing

d. play

Jawaban: a. plays

26. I'm sorry I'm late. My car ___________ down on the way to work.

a. broke

b. breaks

c. breaking

d. broken

Jawaban: a. broke

27. My friend is from Japan. She ___________ Japanese very well.

a. speaks

b. spoke

c. speaking

d. speak

Jawaban: a. speaks

28.The food in this restaurant is really delicious. You ___________ try it!

a. should

b. should not

c. would

d. could

Jawaban: a. should

29.My brother is studying to become a doctor. He wants to ___________ people.

a. help

b. helps

c. helping

d. helped

Jawaban: a. help

30. The concert ___________ place next weekend. Are you going to come?

a. takes

b. took

c. will take

d. taking

Jawaban: c. will take

31. My parents usually ___________ coffee in the morning.

a. drink

b. drank

c. drinking

d. drinks

Jawaban: a. drink

32. I ___________ my keys. Can you help me find them?

a. lost

b. lose

c. losing

d. losed

Jawaban: a. lost

33. The teacher ___________ the students to finish the assignment by next week.

a. told

b. tells

c. telling

d. tell

Jawaban: a. told

34. I love ___________ to music when I'm feeling stressed.

a. listening

b. listened

c. listen

d. listens

Jawaban: a. listening

35. The soccer game ___________ in a tie. Both teams scored one goal.

a. ended

b. ends

c. ending

d. end

Jawaban: a. ended